Science and research activity


The purpose of the scientific and research activity of The Federal Center of Otorhinolaryngology is to develop interdisciplinary approach for providing effective medical assistance on the profile of the otorhinolaryngology ( ENT) in the Russian Federation.

The promising directions of scientific activity of the Center are the following:

New methods of diagnostics, surgical treatment and social rehabilitation of patients with cochlear vestibular pathology.

The introduction of electronic implant the retina (“bionics eye”) for blind patients.

The development of an algorithm for hearing speech and visual rehabilitation of deaf/blind patients.

The development of technology for cross face skin/bone/muscle free flap transplantation in microvascular and neuro anastomosis in oral and maxillofacial reconstruction surgery.

The development of an algorithm for the differentiated diagnosis and prognosis of the vascular and neuro-endocrine tumors of ENT organs based on the methods of modern immunoheistochemistry.

Endoscopic rhinology /pharyngology surgery for children with neonatal period.

Endoscopic rhinology  surgery of the skull base.


Our Partners

 Mininstry of Health
Mininstry of Health 
of the Russian Federation
National Health Development Fund
Eurasian Assembly of Otorhinolaryngologists
National Association of Otorhinolaaryngologists