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Dear friends!

dayhes 1Our Center with 80-year-old history is the main specialized medical institution for the profile of otorhinolaryngology, surgery of the head and neck provides multidisciplinary high-tech assistance to the citizens of Russia as well as in Moscow and the Moscow region. The greatest amount of provided medical care for adults and children is carried out within the framework of the program of obligatory medical insurance that provides affordable and free treatment.

Over the passed three years with the opening of new modern building complex, the Center is fully equipped with all the latest equipment that allowed us to enhance the range and availability of ENT assistance to open scientific and clinical departments of ophthalmology, oncology of ENT organs, maxillofacial and plastic surgery, center of professional ENT pathology.

The Center has the comfortable conditions for our patients with the placement only in single or double chambers with all necessary amenities. Children are always placed together with their mom or other accompanying in one chamber.

Today the Center has two corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 10 professors, 32 M.D., 52 Ph.D., 6 Honored Doctors of Russia.

Dedication to their duty, responsibility, attentive attitude to patients, team multidisciplinary approach to work, ongoing commitment to use of advanced and unique methods of treatment – these qualities characterize the collective institutions and are its hallmark.


Sincerely yours,

Director of Federal Scientific Clinical Center of

Otorhinolaryngology, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences,

Professor Nikolay Daikhes

Our Partners

 Mininstry of Health
Mininstry of Health 
of the Russian Federation
National Health Development Fund
Eurasian Assembly of Otorhinolaryngologists
National Association of Otorhinolaaryngologists