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IV European Academy of Phoniatrics Course (EAP) in Izmir, Turkey

02-040519-eng02-04th May, 2019 IV European Academy of Phoniatrics Course (EAP) took place in Izmir, Turkey. The Course program was devoted to the voice theapy, as one of the main treatment modalities for voice disorders.This training program aimed to provide practical implementations of certain therapy techniques well known in the Phoniatrics Society. MD. Ekaterina Osipenko, Head of Phoniatrics Department of Federal Scientific-Clinical Center of Otorhinolaryngology (Moscow, Russia) delivered the lecture "Our clinical experience and approach to the voice therapy for children".

Our Partners

 Mininstry of Health
Mininstry of Health 
of the Russian Federation
National Health Development Fund
Eurasian Assembly of Otorhinolaryngologists
National Association of Otorhinolaaryngologists