Anesthesiology and reanimation department's employee

S Ryazanov vladimir

Ryazanov  Vladimir B.

Head of Anesthesiology and Reanimation department, Ph.D., Doctor of the higher category, Honored Вoctor of the Russian Federation


Vaishtein D -eng

Veinshtein Dmitry P.

Anesthesiologist-resuscitation specialist, Doctor of the higher category


Anohina -eng

Anokhina Valentina N.

Anesthesiologist-resuscitation specialist, Doctor of the higher category


Molchanov -eng

Molchanov Andrey A.

Anesthesiologist-resuscitation specialist, Doctor of the 1st category


Vanshtein A -eng

Veinshtein Anna I.

Anesthesiologist-resuscitation specialist, Doctor of the 2nd category


Sizonov - eng

Sizonov Petr V.




Sklyarov Mikhail S.

Anesthesiologist-resuscitation specialist


Gvozdeva -eng

Gvozdeva Yulia A.


Senior medical nurse of the higher category


Our Partners

 Mininstry of Health
Mininstry of Health 
of the Russian Federation
National Health Development Fund
Eurasian Assembly of Otorhinolaryngologists
National Association of Otorhinolaaryngologists