Maxillofacial and Reconstructive Surgery Department and Dental Department and Plastic surgery department employees


Karayan Arutyun S.

Head of Maxillofacial and Reconstructive Surgery Department, Professor, M.D., maxillofacial surgeon, microsurgeon.


Nazaryan - eng

Nazaryan David N.

Head of Maxillofacial and Reconstructive Division, Ph.D., maxillofacial surgeon, microsurgeon.

Mohirev M - eng

Mokhirev Mikhail A.

maxillofacial surgeon, Ph.D.


Zaharov CHXL


Zakharov Georgy K.


maxillofacial surgeon.


Chausheva - eng

Chausheva Saniyat I.

plastic surgeon, Ph.D.


Жуманов АР

Zhumanov Andrey R.

plastic surgeon, Ph.D.


Кудинова 2

Kudinova Ekaterina S.

plastic and maxillofacial surgeon, Ph.D., Doctor of the higher category



Subbotina Natalia A.

plastic surgeon


Fedosov chlhFedosov Alexander V. – maxillofacial surgeon.



Mishenko Svetlana M. - dentist  


Our Partners

 Mininstry of Health
Mininstry of Health 
of the Russian Federation
National Health Development Fund
Eurasian Assembly of Otorhinolaryngologists
National Association of Otorhinolaaryngologists