Maxillofacial and Reconstructive Surgery Department
Maxillofacial and Reconstructive Surgery Department provides advanced approach in care for the adults and children with problems that include face, head and neck in accordance with the world’s standards. Accurate and objective data from diagnostic studies, such as CT scan combined with 3D imaging, help us to provide effective treatment. The team of our department works in collaboration with all ENT departments. It helps to determine the exact diagnosis and prescribe optimal treatment for adults and children.
We perform:
- Microsurgical repair of facial soft tissue defects (free revascularized autoplastic graft);
- Maxillofacial microsurgery reconstruction (free revascularized autoplastic graft);
- Zygomatico-nasofrontal-orbital complex posttraumatic deformation repair, including upper face/midface posttraumatic defects;
- All kind of osteotomy, including multiple segment osteotomy of maxillary mandibular osteotomy associated with orthodontic interventions;
- Treatment of temporomandibular joint, including art lavage, unilateral/bilateral ankyloses without bone grafting, combined gnathic repair;
- Face contour changing orthognathic surgery;
- Benign maxillary/mandibular osseous tumor removal combined with the defect repair plasty;
- Excision of oral benign neoplasms with pedicle/free flap transplantation;
- Mandibular and maxillary neoplasm removal with simultaneous defect repair-plasty (free revascularization autoplastic graft);
- Removal of juvinal skullbase angiofibroma;
- Total auricular defect plasty ( autoplastic grafting, grafting and implantation, with composite exoprosthesis supported by endosseous implants);
- Auricular reconstruction for microtia and macrotia;
- Surgical repair of hard palate and alveolar process ( major defects), residual palate defect plastic repair;
- Rhinoplasty for congenial nasal clefts;
- Cheilorhinoplasty including primary plasty, surgical repair of upper lip and nose cicatricial deformity with local tissues after prior cheilorhinoplasty, primary and secondary cleft cheiloplsty;
- Uranoplasty ( major defects);
- Total and subtotal parotidectomy with preservation of facial nerve branch;