Phoniatrics Department
Phoniatrics Department
Phone number: +7-962-941-64-29 (Mon-Fr 09.00 - 18.00)
Phoniatrics department of Federal Research Clinical Centre of otorhinolaryngology of Russian Federation Ministry of public health provides qualitative help for adults and children, voice professionals and patients whose professional activities are not related to the voice load.
Chief of Phoniatrics department is PhD, Ass. Prof. Ekaterina Osipenko, General Secretary of the European Academy of Phoniatrics (EAP), President of the Russian Association of Phoniatricians and Fonopedists.
Phoniatrics department has consultations and treatment for patients with different larynx pathologies and rehabilitation therapy in the postoperative period.
There are developed methods for treatment of paresis and paralysis of the vocal folds, professional voice disorders and hoarseness during hypotonic dysphonia which help to avoid the surgical treatment.
There is preventive examination of voice professionals (teachers, vocalists, actors etc.) including examination of voice function, voice assessment and recommendations for voice regime.
Phoniatrics department has a team of phonopedists which has an experience of working with adults and children. They use different techniques of phonopedic correction for functional voice disorders, acoustic analysis and psychological correction in treatment and rehabilitation of patients with larynx pathology.
Phoniatrics department has high-tech endoscopic research methods such as:
- videolaryngostroboscopy - XION medical;
- high-speed videolaryngostroboscopy - RICHARD WOLF;
- video fibronasofaryngolaryngoscopy;
- NBI endoscopy - OLYMPUS OEV261H, CV – 170
There is a wide range of physiotherapeutic equipment:
- «VocaSTIM», neuromuscular electrophonopaedic laryngeal stimulation with the complex rehabilitation of patients with paresis and paralysis of the larynx, functional dysphonia, dysphagia;
- compressor nebulizers PARI for treating of larynx pathologies;
- magnetotherapy;
- laser therapeutic device
There is OTOPRONT apparatus and a full set of equipment which allows to carry out a full examination of ENT organs and a large list of medical procedures:
- LingWaves apparatus for acoustic analysis;
- relaxing training “BOSLAB”