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Plastic surgery department

Plastic surgery department provides a wide range of services and procedures to improve the look and/or function of the face, neck area and body. Advanced cosmetic surgical equipment and facilities, the most innovative treatments, skilled specialists provide personalized care to each patient.

We perform:

  • Rejuvenation of face, eyebrow and forehead;
  • Face lifting ( SMAS, re-surgery);
  • Brow lift;
  • Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery);
  • All types of rhinoplasty;
  • Ortognathic surgery;
  • Transgender surgery;
  • Face contouring;
  • Contouring of the chin ( genioplasty);
  • Otoplasty;
  • Endoscopic cosmetic surgery;
  • Liposuction of the body, liposculpturing;
  • Augmentation mammoplasty, including breast alteration, enlargement, lift or reduction;


Head and neck cancer department



Head and Neck Cancer department is one of the most experienced centers in Russia dedicated exclusively to the evaluation and treatment of patients with cancers of the head and neck, including throat, larynx, pharynx, salivary glands, oral cavity (lip, mouth, tongue). The department provides high quality diagnostic procedures and medical treatment for patients with benign and malignant tumors of head and neck. Specialists use traditional as well as various minimally invasive techniques, including transoral laser and endoscopic surgery. It helps the patients to restore function and appearance, reduce the need for tracheostomy and speed recovery. Our surgeons collaborate closely with experts of numerous specialities – pathologists, facial reconstructive surgeons, chemotherapists. Such a multimodality treatment may be the most promising approach for increasing a patient chance of cure. We perform the following surgery treatment:

  • Microsurgery reconstruction of trаchea and larynx;
  • Oral cavity cancer – lip, mouth, tongue;
  • Throat cancer, including the pharynx and larynx;
  • Thyroid cancer;
  • Skull base tumor, including nasal cavity, salivary glands, ear and temporal bone.

023 - мал

The department provides:

  • Voice rehabilitation of patients after laryngectomy and other microsurgical reconstructions of head and neck;
  • Modern targeted therapies;
  • Chemical therapy.

Our team of specialists works with each patient individually to create a treatment plan tailored to the type of disease, lifestyle and personal needs to achieve the best possible outcome.


Eye Research Center of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

 Eye Research Center of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

Eye Research Center was founded in 2015 on the basis of Federal Scientific Clinical Center of Otorhinolaryngology FMBA of Russia. The Center is a new generation clinic that has a full range of up-to-date diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical equipment.

Main directions of work:

  • Providing high-tech innovative ophthalmic care;
  • Development of new methods of diagnostics and treatment in ophthalmology using the modern fundamental scientific potential of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University;
  • Training highly qualified personnel for ophthalmic practice and science (residency, postgraduate study).

Directions of clinical work:

  • Diagnostics;
  • Spectacle correction;
  • Conservative treatment;
  • Laser surgery;
  • Oculoplastics;
  • Glaucoma surgery;
  • Cataract surgery;
  • Vitreoretinal surgery.


Hristo Takhchidi M.D., Ph.D., Professor, Corresponding Member of RAS

The director of Eye Research Center of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University. The head of Scientific and Clinical department of ophthalmology, Honoured Doctor of the Russian Federation. Laureate of the the Russian Federation government prize of the field of science and technology.


Тахчиди Ника

Nika Takhchidi, M.D., Ph.D.


The head of the ophthalmology department. The full member of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS) and Russian Society of Ophthalmologists.





Sevinj Askerova M.D., Ph.D.

Ophthalmologist. The full member of the Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Ophthalmic Surgeons of Europe (ESOPRS).




Galina Kachalina M.D., Ph.D.

Ophthalmologist. The chief Research Officer.




Tatyana Kassymina M.D.

Ophthalmologist. The leading laser surgeon.




Amina Shafigullina M.D.





Evgenia Mizina

Head nurse.




  • You can contact us by phone from 9 am to 4 pm normal office hours on +7(499)968-69-12 from Monday to Friday.
  • Web site: eye-centre.ru

Anesthesiology and reanimation department's employee

S Ryazanov vladimir

Ryazanov  Vladimir B.

Head of Anesthesiology and Reanimation department, Ph.D., Doctor of the higher category, Honored Вoctor of the Russian Federation


Vaishtein D -eng

Veinshtein Dmitry P.

Anesthesiologist-resuscitation specialist, Doctor of the higher category


Anohina -eng

Anokhina Valentina N.

Anesthesiologist-resuscitation specialist, Doctor of the higher category


Molchanov -eng

Molchanov Andrey A.

Anesthesiologist-resuscitation specialist, Doctor of the 1st category


Vanshtein A -eng

Veinshtein Anna I.

Anesthesiologist-resuscitation specialist, Doctor of the 2nd category


Sizonov - eng

Sizonov Petr V.




Sklyarov Mikhail S.

Anesthesiologist-resuscitation specialist


Gvozdeva -eng

Gvozdeva Yulia A.


Senior medical nurse of the higher category


Diagnostic radiology department employees

Korobkin luch


Korobkov Artem

Head of Diagnostic Radiology Department, Ph.D.



Sorokin Igor V.

radiologist, Ph.D.


Kuyan luchKuyan Yulia S.

radiologist, Ph.D.


Gafurova luchGafuriva Amina I.

ultrasound specialist.

Department of physiotherapy, cosmetology and medical rehabilitation employees


Prikuls -eng

Prikuls Vladislav F.

Head of the Department of physiotherapy, cosmetology and medical rehabilitation,  physiotherapy specialist, M.D., Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation.

Gertsen -engGertsen Alexander V

Ph.D., the leading scientific specialist, doctor of the higher category.

Otoneurology and vestibulogocal disorders department employees



Zaitseva Olga V.

Otoneurologist, Ph.D., Head of the Otoneuгology and Vestibulological Department



Overchenko Kira V.

Neurologist- otoneurologist, researcher


Хирнеткина мал

Khirnetkina Ayuna F.

Phosturography/Stabilomertic testing specialist

Phoniatrics Department employees



Osipenko Ekaterina V.

phoniatrician, Head of Phoniatrics Department,
Ph.D, General Secretary of the European Academy of Phoniatrics (EAP),
President of the Russian Association of Phoniatricians and Fonopedists.

Mihalevskaya foniatriyaMikhailevskaya Irina A.

logopedist of the higher category, P.D.


Krivykh Yulia S. – phoneatrician of the higher category.

phoneatrician of the higher category.


Orlova-foniatrOrlova Olga S.

logopedist of the higher category, experience is more 40 years, P.D.,
Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Slavic Education.

Kotelnikova foniatrKotelnikova Natalia M.

otorhinolaryngologist, rtphoniatrician, researcher

Department of audiology, surdology, hearing and hearing rehabilitation employees

Machalov -engMachalov Anton S

otorhinolaryngologist, surdologist, Ph.D., Head of the Department of audiology, surdology, hearing and hearing rehabilitation.

Sapozhnikov -engSapozhnikov Yakov M.

otorhinolaryngologist, Professor, M.D., the leading scientific specialist, Doctor of the higher category.




Kuznetsov Alexander O.


otorhinolaryngologist, surdologist, M.D., the leading scientific specialist, Head of Polyclinics.

Krivih-eng Kryvikh Yilia


specialist in rehabilitation of persons with communication disorders

Karpov -eng

Karpov Vitaly L.

otorhinolaryngologist, surdologist, Head of Surd


Karpycheva Irina E.







Tarasova Natalia V.

surdologist-logopedist, teacher, P.D.,specialist  of the 1st category


Gusishnaya Olga V.





Nayandina -engNayandina Elena I.

surdologist, hearing aid specialist of the higher category.

Hristenko -eng

Khristenko Natalia V.

otorhinolaryngologist, surdologist




Zueva-engZueva Elena V.

teacher, logopedist



Balakina-engBalakina Anna V.

Ph.D, otolaryngologist-surdologist





Eye Research Center of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University employees

Сотрудники научно-исследовательского центра офтальмологии ФГБОУ ВО РНИМУ им. Н.И.Пирогова


Тахчиди1Тахчиди Христо Периклович

Директор Научно-исследовательского центра офтальмологии ФГБОУ ВО РНИМУ им. Н.И.Пирогова, руководитель научно-клинического отдела офтальмологии, проректор по лечебной работе ФГБОУ ВО РНИМУ им. Н.И. Пирогова, д.м.н., профессор, член- корреспондент РАН, заслуженный врач РФ, лауреат Премии Правительства РФ в области науки и техники.



Тахчиди НикаТахчиди Ника Христовна

Заведующая отделением, кандидат медицинских наук, хирург-офтальмолог. Действительный член Европейского Общества Катарактальных и Рефракционных Хирургов (ESCRS), Российского Общества Офтальмологов.



Аскерова1Аскерова Севиндж Мустаджабовна

Главный научный сотрудник, доктор медицинских наук, профессор кафедры офтальмологии ФГБОУ ВО РНИМУ им. Н.И. Пирогова, хирург-офтальмолог. Действительный член Общества пластических и реконструктивных офтальмохирургов Европы (ESOPRS).



Качалина1Качалина Галина Федоровна

Ведущий научный сотрудник отделения офтальмологии, кандидат медицинских наук, врач-офтальмолог высшей категории, хирург-офтальмолог



Касмынина1Касмынина Татьяна Алексеевна

Врач офтальмолог высшей категории, хирург-офтальмолог.



Шафигуллина1Шафигуллина Амина Арсеновна




МизинаМизина Евгения Ивановна

Старшая медсестра.

Maxillofacial and Reconstructive Surgery Department and Dental Department and Plastic surgery department employees


Karayan Arutyun S.

Head of Maxillofacial and Reconstructive Surgery Department, Professor, M.D., maxillofacial surgeon, microsurgeon.


Nazaryan - eng

Nazaryan David N.

Head of Maxillofacial and Reconstructive Division, Ph.D., maxillofacial surgeon, microsurgeon.

Mohirev M - eng

Mokhirev Mikhail A.

maxillofacial surgeon, Ph.D.


Zaharov CHXL


Zakharov Georgy K.


maxillofacial surgeon.


Chausheva - eng

Chausheva Saniyat I.

plastic surgeon, Ph.D.


Жуманов АР

Zhumanov Andrey R.

plastic surgeon, Ph.D.


Кудинова 2

Kudinova Ekaterina S.

plastic and maxillofacial surgeon, Ph.D., Doctor of the higher category



Subbotina Natalia A.

plastic surgeon


Fedosov chlhFedosov Alexander V. – maxillofacial surgeon.



Mishenko Svetlana M. - dentist  


Plastic surgery department employees



Lyashev Ilia N.

maxillofacial, plastic, orthognathic surgeon, Ph.D.



Chausheva Saniyat I.

plastic surgeon, Ph.D.


Жуманов АР

Zhumanov Andrey R.

plastic surgeon, Ph.D.


Кудинова 2

Kudinova Ekaterina S.

plastic and maxillofacial surgeon, Ph.D., Doctor of the higher category



Subbotina Natalia A.

plastic surgeon



Center for Occupational Pathology of ENT organs employee


Volokhov Leonid L.

otorhinolaryngologist, occupational pathology specialist.



Bomshtein Natalia G

Head of the Center of Occupational Pathology of ENT organs, occupational pathology specialist of the functional diagnostic of the higher category.


Uchurov -eng

Uchurov F.G.

Head of the Consultation and Diagnostic division, therapist, occupational pathology specialist of the higher category.



Vorontsov Valery L.

endocrine specialist, Ph.D., doctor of the higher category.

Department of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology ( ENT) employee


Yunusov Adnan S.

Head of the Department of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Deputy Director on Childhood, Professor, M.D., The Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker on Sciences of the Russian Federation.

Polyakov Dmitry P.Polyakov-2-eng

Head of the ENT Pediatric Division, otorhinolaryngologist, surgeon, Ph.D.

 Belavina Polina I.Belavina -eng

otorhinolaryngologist, surgeon, doctor of the higher cayegory.


Molodtsova -engMolodtsova Ekaterina V.

otorhinolaryngologist, researcher.




Ryazanskaya -engRyazanskaya Anna G.

otorhinolaryngologist, surgeon, doctor of the 1st category.



Molchanova -engMolchanova Ekaterina B.

otorhinolaryngologist, surgeon, Ph.D., the leadinf scientific specialist.



Karneeva 1

Karneeva Olga V.

Deputy Director on Science, Professor, M.D., otorhinolaryngologist, surgeon.



Our Partners

 Mininstry of Health
Mininstry of Health 
of the Russian Federation
National Health Development Fund
Eurasian Assembly of Otorhinolaryngologists
National Association of Otorhinolaaryngologists