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Ent department: rhinology employees



Averbukh Vladimir M.

Rhinology-surgeon, Head of Rhinology Department, Ph.D., member of the European Society of Rhinologists


Volkova-engDaria N. Volkova



Mareev-engVladimir V. Mareev





 Сотрудники отделения сомнологии:

Заведующий отделением: 

DuikinDuikin Dmitryi V.

Somnologist, Head of the Somnological division

Facius -eng

Helen A. Fatsius

otolaryngologist, somnologistt

Ent department: laryngology employees


Nazhmudinov Ibragim I.

Otorhinolaryngologist-surgeon, Ph.D. Head of Laryngology Department

Abdulaev-engAbdulaev Bashir Z.

Otorhinolaryngologist, researcher

Guseinov-engGuseinov Ismail G.

Khoranova-engKhoranova Marina Y.

Otorhinolaryngologist, researcher

Magomedova-engMagomedova Kamilla M.

Otorhinolaryngist, Ph.D.


Davudova Basharat H.

Otorhinolaringists, Ph.D.


Ent department – otology employees

Diab 1 - engDiab Hassan Mohamad Ali

The leading otology-surgeon, M.D., Professor, Head of Otology Department, member of European Society of Otologists


Akhmedov Shamil. M.Ahmedov 1 -eng
Otology-surgeon, Ph.D., Head of the 1st Otology division, Doctor of the higher category

Mukhamedov Issa T.

Otology-surgeon, M.D., Doctor of the higher category



Patshinina 1 -engPashinina Olga A.

Otology-surgeon, Ph.D., Head of the 2nd Otology division


Umarov 1 -engUmarov Parviz U.

Otorhinolaryngologist, Ph.D.




Korvyakov 1 -eng


Korvyakov Vassily S.

Otology-surgeon, M.D., the Chief scientific specialist, Doctor of the higher category

Kondratchikov 1 -engKondratchikov Dmitry S.

Otorhinolaryngologist, reseacher




Kohanuyk Svetlana V.



Clinical Department

ENT Department: otology


ENT Department:  laryngology



ENT Department: rhinology


 ENT Department: Department of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology ( ENT)





 ENT Department: Center for Occupational Pathology of ENT organs


 Maxillofacial and Reconstructive Surgery Department







   ENT Department: Eye Research Center of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University


 ENT Department: Head and neck cancer Department







 ENT department: Department of audiology, surdology, hearing and hearing rehabilitation


  ENT Department: Phoniatrics Department






 ENT department: Otoneurology and vestibulogocal disorders  Department


 ENT department: Department of physiotherapy, cosmetology and medical rehabilitation







 ENT department: Diagnostic radiology Department


 ENT department: Anesthesiology and reanimation Department







Otoneurology and vestibulogocal disorders department

Otoneurology and vestibular disorders department is dedicated to the improvement of our patients’ lifestyle by offering a range of services to treat and manage disorders related to hearing loss, balance, dizziness and unsteadiness. Our specialists work closely together with the experts of surdology department, otology department to determine the exact diagnosis and provide the advanced treatment of our patients.

Our highly professional team carries out full program of diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of the patients with:

  • Ear/Hearing disorders
    • Progressive hearing loss ( from early hearing loss to profound deafness, including sensorneural hearing loss);
    • Sudden hearing losses;
    • Otosclerosis;
    • Tinnitus.
  • Balance disorders
    • Positional vertigo;
    • Meniere’s disease;
    • Vestibular neuritis;
    • Migraine associated dizziness;
    • Speech disorder;
    • Pains in a back;
    • Muscular spasms.

The following tests are conducted at our department:

  • Computerized dynamic phosturography platform testing;
  • Rotating chair testing;
  • Electronystagmography;
  • Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials, Including ocular modalities;
  • Computerized stabilometric testing.


Тестирование вестибулярной функции ф 122

Phoniatrics Department

Phoniatrics Department

Phone number: +7-962-941-64-29 (Mon-Fr 09.00 - 18.00)

Phoniatrics department of Federal Research Clinical Centre of otorhinolaryngology of Russian Federation Ministry of public health provides qualitative help for adults and children, voice professionals and patients whose professional activities are not related to the voice load.

Chief of Phoniatrics department is PhD, Ass. Prof. Ekaterina Osipenko, General Secretary of the European Academy of Phoniatrics (EAP), President of the Russian Association of Phoniatricians and Fonopedists.

Phoniatrics department has consultations and treatment for patients with different larynx pathologies and rehabilitation therapy in the postoperative period.

There are developed methods for treatment of paresis and paralysis of the vocal folds, professional voice disorders and hoarseness during hypotonic dysphonia which help to avoid the surgical treatment.

There is preventive examination of voice professionals (teachers, vocalists, actors etc.) including examination of voice function, voice assessment and recommendations for voice regime.

Phoniatrics department has a team of phonopedists which has an experience of working with adults and children. They use different techniques of phonopedic correction for functional voice disorders, acoustic analysis and psychological correction in treatment and rehabilitation of patients with larynx pathology.

Phoniatrics department has high-tech endoscopic research methods such as:

  • videolaryngostroboscopy - XION medical;
  • high-speed videolaryngostroboscopy - RICHARD WOLF;
  • video fibronasofaryngolaryngoscopy;
  • NBI endoscopy - OLYMPUS OEV261H, CV – 170


There is a wide range of physiotherapeutic equipment:

  • «VocaSTIM», neuromuscular electrophonopaedic laryngeal stimulation with the complex rehabilitation of patients with paresis and paralysis of the larynx, functional dysphonia, dysphagia;
  • compressor nebulizers PARI for treating of larynx pathologies;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • laser therapeutic device

There is OTOPRONT apparatus and a full set of equipment which allows to carry out a full examination of ENT organs and a large list of medical procedures:

  • LingWaves apparatus for acoustic analysis;
  • relaxing training “BOSLAB”
аппарат VocaSTIM PARI аппарат лазерный терапевтический
OLYMPUS RICHARD WOLF видеостроболарингоскоп XION medical



Center for Occupational Pathology of ENT organs


The Center for Occupational Pathology of ENT organs conducts prevention, diagnostics and treatment of workers engaged in work with hamful production factors (noise, industrial aerosols and etc.). We provide the full examination and treatment of patients with upper respiratory tract diseases, such as rhinitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, ulceration, perforation of the nasal septum. We take care of the patients having noise effects of the inner ear, neurosensory hearing loss, vestibular syndrome, pulmonology dysfunction, allergies.

The Center for Occupational Pathology of ENT organs has its own hospital ( 26 beds), which is fully equipped with modern diagnostic and therapeutic equipment. The staff consists of otorhinolaryngologists, pathologists, pulmonologist, allergist-immunologist, neurologists, endocrinologist and therapist.

We  offers comfortable inpatient single and double rooms only. All our rooms are optimal clean, safety and comfort. Rooms are cleaned every day and deep-cleaned between occupancies by our in-house cleaning team.

Each room has:

  •      - A walk-in shower;
  •      - A Toilet;
  •      - A wall-mounted flat-screen television and radio;
  •      - Free Wi-Fi access;
  •      - A staff call button;
  •      - Non-slip floor;
  •      - Air-conditioning;
  •      - Wardrobe and storage space;
  •      - Adjustable lighting.

 For our patients undergoing treatment in the hospital we provide four meals a day. Food for the patients is prepared at our own food factory and based on the principle of clinical nutrition. If a patient has food preferences, the menu can be discussed with the treating physician. 


Ent department: rhinology


ENT department provides high quality diagnostic procedures, medical and surgical treatment for patients with the pathology of nose, nasal cavity, pharynx, paranasal sinuses, skull base and lachrymal system, including inflammatory and traumatic etiology. It is fully equipped with up-to-date endoscopic units necessary for patients’ examination before and after the treatment. Specialists tailor various surgical strategies for each patient to ensure better rehabilitation and outcome. Our team collaborates closely with neurosurgeons, ophthalmologists, craniofacial colleagues. Such a multimodality treatment may be the most promising approach for patients.


We perform the following surgery:

  • Septoplasty
  • Functional rhinoplasty
  • FESS for chronic rhinosinusitis with/without polyposis
  • Patented infraturbinal approach for odontogenic sinusitis
  • Revision sinus surgery
  • Extented sinus surgery using prelacrimal approach
  • Draft type III procedure
  • Closure of nasal septal perforation
  • Surgery for epistaxis
  • Spontaneus and posttraumatic CSF leak closure
  • Endoscopic endonasal/combined/external resection of selected tumors of nasal cavity/paranasal sinuses/skull base
  • Endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy
  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea surgery
  • Tonsillectomy
  • Adenoidectomy



On the base of Rhinology Department there is Somnology division for patients with sleep disorders.


We regularly exchange our experience with leading Russian and foreign colleagues, hold and participate in training courses and international educational programs.

Ent department: laryngology

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The team of highly experienced specialists performs all types of surgery related to throat disorders, including the treatment of laryngeal diseases, surgical treatment of all types of benign and precancerous larynx diseases ( such as - Fibromas, Polyps, the Reinke's edema, Laryngeal amyloidosis, recurrent Papillomatosis of the larynx and others), surgical treatment of Laryngeal cancer. We use the most advanced technology and up-to-date surgery techniques to treat our patients with maximum safety, before, during and after surgical intervention.

We perform:

  • All types of Endolaryngeal chordectomy;
  • Endolaryngeal removal of benign (non-concerous) laryngeal formations;
  • Surgical treatment of the lateral cyst of the neck ( Branhyogenic tumor);
  • Reinke`s edema;
  • Polyps;
  • Larynx papillomatosis ( CO2 Laser);
  • Surgical treatment of cicatricial stenosis of the larynx, cervical trachea, congenital or acquired after surgical interventions;
  • Surgical treatment of Paralysis of the vocal folds;
  • Surgical correction of the vocal apparatus, including changes of the tembral voice characteristics..

sotrudniki gortan

All interventions are performed with the maximum use of modern methods of micro laryngeal surgical treatment of laryngeal diseases (CO2 Laser, etc.), observance of the principles of phonosurgery (maximum preservation of voice quality), surgery without tracheostomy application.

The development and active implementation of new methods for treating laryngeal diseases is being carried out the balloon plastic of stenosis of the larynx and trachea.

Ent department – otology

Otology is a branch of medicine which studies normal/pathological anatomy and physiology of the ear (hearing and vestibular sensory systems and related structures and functions) as well as its diseases, diagnosis and treatment. The Ear’s Disease Department under the leadership of Professor Diab Khassan has been effectively treating all kinds of the ear diseases including ear infections, cholesteatomas, Otosclerosis, tumours and facial nerve diseases, profoundly deaf and congenital ear malformation.

Surgical treatment of the Otosclerosis

Otosclerosis is a familial hereditary disease that affects the ear, frequently involving both sides. It is a disease of the labyrinthine capsule characterized by bony resorption and subsequent formation of new bone.

Otosclerosis is characterised by progressive hearing loss, usually conductive or mixed type, which is either associated with or without tinnitus (ringing or buzzing in the ear) and balance can be affected slightly. It is mainly seen in adults predominantly in women. In case the patient has hearing loss of conductive type, we perform Stapedoplasty allowing recovery of auditory function.

Otitis media, cholesteatomas: various types of surgery

image002Otitis media (Latin for "inflammation of the middle ear") is the medical term for middle ear infection. The types of Otitis media are Acute otitis media, Otitis media with effusion, Chronic suppurative otitis media and Adhesive otitis media. Acute otitis media, Otitis media with effusion are more common for children while Chronic suppurative otitis media is common for adults.

We perform the sanitation ear simultaneously with tympanoplasty in case of Chronic suppurative otitis media with cholesteatomas.



Surgical treatment of the Paragangliomas

image004About 97% are benign and cured by surgical removal. Paragangliomas are still sometimes called glomus tumors and chemodectomas, but paraganglioma is the currently accepted and preferred term. There are three types in the head & neck - Glomus tympanicum and Glomus jugulare, Carotid paraganglioma (carotid body tumor) & Vagal paragangliomas. We perform surgical remove paragangliomas of lateral skull base type A, B, and C (with neck expansion).


Paralysis of the facial nerve

image006Paralysis of the facial nerve is a cause of significant functional and aesthetic compromise. Functional concerns primarily involve adequate protection of the eye, with a real risk of exposure keratitis if not properly addressed. In addition, swallowing, drooling, and speech difficulties may arise. Microsurgical repair of the damaged facial nerve (7th cranial nerve) is the most effective procedure for restoring motor function (voluntary movement) of the face. Reconstruction is indicated in patients who have experienced acute disruption or transection of the nerve from an accident, trauma, resection during extirpation of tumors, or inadvertent division during surgery. The ultimate goal of reanimation surgery is to restore spontaneous animation and a balanced natural smile. The most critical factor in achieving good post-operative facial function is early identification and repair.



Microtia (pinna) and congenital malformation of the external auditory canal reconstruction


image007Microtia is a congenital deformity where the pinna (external ear) is underdeveloped. A completely undeveloped pinna is referred to as anotia. Because microtia and anotia have the same origin, it can be referred to as microtia-anotia. Aural atresia is the underdevelopment of the middle ear and canal and usually occurs in conjunction with microtia. Atresia occurs because patients with microtia may not have an external opening to the ear canal, though. However, the cochlea & other inner ear structures are usually present. Candidacy for atresia surgery is based on the hearing test (audiogram) & CT scan imaging. Specialists of our department perform surgical treatment of isolated middle ear malformations (patients with normal eardrum and non-progressive conductive hearing loss).


Cochlear Implants (CI): cases of normal, malformed and ossified cochlea

A cochlear implant (CI) is a surgically implanted electronic device that provides a sense of sound to a person who is profoundly deaf or severely hard of hearing. Cochlear implants are often called bionic ears. Cochlear implants may help provide hearing in patients that are deaf because of damage to sensory hair cells in their cochleas. In those patients, the implants often can enable sufficient hearing for better understanding of speech. Newer devices and processing-strategies allow recipients to hear better in noise, enjoy music, and even use their implant processors while swimming.

Meniere's disease

image013Ménière's disease is a disorder of the inner ear that can affect hearing and balance to a varying degree. It is characterized by episodes of vertigo, low-pitched tinnitus, and hearing loss. The hearing loss is fluctuating rather than permanent, meaning that it comes and goes, alternating between ears for some time, then becomes permanent with no return to normal function. The cause of Ménière's disease is believed to be linked to endolymphatic hydrops, an excess of fluid in the inner ear. Endolymphatic sac drainage is most efficiently type of surgery treatment that performs in Ear’s Disease Department



Cadaveric temporal bone dissection course


This 5 day course is designed for ENT consultants, otology fellows, and residents to improve surgical skills. The course has a clinical and a practical part, i.e. dissection in the temporal bone laboratory. The course of the temporal bone dissection as close to the actual methods of the ear surgery. Progression through the dissection will be performed under close supervision of trainers and paced at an appropriate level to the participant. The extent of dissection, and other procedures, carried out by each individual trainee tailored to their level of experience. The course will be given in English or Russian languages. Course director - Prof. Diab Khassan


Dental department

Dental department at our Center provides a wide range of dental services for adults and children, including all types of therapeutic, surgical, orthodontic, prosthodontic and preventive dentistry. Treatment is carried out in accordance with recognized international standards and techniques.

We perform :

  • General dentistry
    • Check up examinations
    • X-rays and iCat scans
    • Filling
    • Restorations
    • Implants
    • Veneers
  • Surgical treatment
    • Tooth extraction, including wisdom teeth
    • Implats
    • Bone crafting
    • Sinus augmentation
    • Cystectomy
    • Apicoectomy
  • Cosmetic dentistry
    • Tooth whitening
    • Composite fillings
    • Crowns
    • Implants
    • Veneers
  • Cleaning and prevention
  • Endodontics
  • Special pediatric dentistry programs


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Department of audiology, surdology, hearing and hearing rehabilitation

карпов обследования

Accurate and objective data from diagnostic studies and tests for hearing loss people are highly important for effective treatment. The team of our department works in collaboration with the Otology department, Otoneurology department, ENT pediatric department. It helps to determine the exact diagnosis and prescribe optimal treatment for adults and children. We use the most advanced technology and up-to-date equipment for conducting the hearing tests.

Волна Карпов 2

We perform the following tests to evaluate hearing for children and adults:

  • Hearing study whispered and spoken speech;
  • Tuning fork;
  • Tone threshold audiometry;
  • Tonal over-threshold audiometry;
  • Tonal audiometry, in a free sound field, including with a hearing aid or a cochlear implant;
  • Tests of the middle ear;
  • Speech audiometry in headphones; in a free sound field, including a hearing aid or a cochlear implant, impedance testing, an otoacoustic emission (OAE) study;
  • Surdopedagogical testing, including a hearing aid or a cochlear implant;
  • Testing of the amplitude-frequency characteristics of hearing aids

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We also conduct:

  • Consulting on electro-acoustic hearing correction;
  • Testing of the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the hearing aids of patients (identification of compliance of the frequency response of the device with the patient's residual hearing);
  • Setting up different hearing aids;
  • Selection of a wide range of digital hearing aids from leading domestic and foreign manufacturers: OTICON (Denmark), WIDEX (Denmark), BERNAFON (Switzerland), SIEMENS (Germany), Phonak (Switzerland), ReSound (Denmark), etc.;
  • Manufacture of individual earmolds Sharpening of hearing aid;
  • Adaptive work after electro-acoustic correction of hearing;
  • Surgery in patients undergoing cochlear implant surgery;
  • Determination of indications to electro-acoustic correction of hearing by implantable hearing aids;
  • Tuning implantable hearing aids.


Pedagogical work with the child is aimed at overcoming speech disorders as:

  • Disturbance of sound reproduction (incorrect articulation of sounds, omissions, permutations of sounds);
  • Breaking the syllabic structure of words;
  • Lexical shortcomings: poor vocabulary, violations of the variable use of words, misunderstanding of the meaning and meaning of the word;
  • Wrong grammatical formulation of a statement;
  • Difficulties in mastering the ways of word formation; violations of detailed phrase speech;
  • Melodic intonation shortcomings: deviations in the voice delivery, violation of strength, height, voice timbre, violations in the expressive means of speech;
  • Poverty of expressive means of speech;
  • Communication disorder.

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Our research work is carried out in the following areas:

  • Morphofunctional state of the middle and inner ear in patients after cochlear implantation;
  • Optimization of audiological test of young patients with sensorineural hearing loss;
  • Critical parameters of auditory implantation systems;
  • Rehabilitation of patients with hearing impairment using various technical means of rehabilitation;
  • Development and introduction of objective methods of diagnostics of auditory function impairment;
  • Development of clinical recommendations for physicians on profile “surdology-otorhinolaryngology’ in the Russian Federation;
  • Clinical evaluation of implantable and non-implantable technical means of rehabilitation of persons with hearing impairment;
  • Clinical study of drugs, rehabilitation tools that are being prepared for use on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Department of physiotherapy, cosmetology and medical rehabilitation


НКЦО 2 197

Our department is stuffed by a multidisciplinary team of medical and rehabilitation specialists include physicians, physiotherapists, massage therapists, physiologists and professional cosmetologists. Our team approach and dedicated staff deliver the best resources possible to our patients.

We perform :

  • Combined physical-pharmacological methods of treatment for ENT patients:
  • Laser therapy;
  • Magnetic therapy;
  • Electrotherapy;
  • Aeroiontherapy;
  • Cryotherapy;
  • Photophoresis;
  • Afferent methods of treatment;
  • Light therapy;
  • All types of massage;
  • Water therapy;
  • Gerudo therapy;


Cosmetology division performs:

  • Anti-aging programme of biocorrection;
  • Rejuvenating treatment of face, neck and body;
  • Methods of laser cosmetology;
  • All kind of contouring injections;
  • Botulinotherapy.


Our Partners

 Mininstry of Health
Mininstry of Health 
of the Russian Federation
National Health Development Fund
Eurasian Assembly of Otorhinolaryngologists
National Association of Otorhinolaaryngologists